
Introducing cityimprovement.co.za

Gene Lohrentz of Geocentric Information Systems has been working with city improvement district initiatives since 2000. Geocentric provides a wide range of services to city improvement districts including but not limited to assistance with the establishment of CIDs, the setup of management systems, the development of measurable objectives and support on information technology.

Now Geocentric has established a new website aiming at providing a concise on-point location for more information on CIDs and Special Rating Areas (SRAs). For more information please visit www.cityimprovement.co.za. SRAs that are being developed will also find a home here. Geocentric will list and support any new SRA initiative and list it here so that there is a web presence for these initiatives right from the start. If you would like to add a link to your SRA website here or have information on CIDs and SRAs to contribute please contact us at info@geocentric.co.za

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